The authors analyse non septic, surgical complications and their treatment in 131 patients with acute necrotizing pancreatitis. Bleeding occurred in 13 patients 16 times. There were 3 cases with large intestine perforation, small intestine perforation twice in one patient and hydrothorax in 12 patients. The patients APACHE-II score was in the range of 15, 5, which was quite high. They experienced complications such as bleeding and bowel perforations mostly in those who underwent several reoperations. For the bleeding from acute duodenal ulcer conservative and surgical therapy (suturing) was executed. In the cases of intraabdominal bleeding they used several options such as, ligature, collagen mesh, Surgicell net and tamponation. Large intestine perforations were surgically treated with Hartmann's procedure or loop colostomy. The small intestine perforation was simply sutured. From the 12 patients with hydrothorax 8 underwent thoracic drainage. We lost 7 patients with bleeding, 3 with bowel perforations and 2 with hydrothorax. The authors believe that complications during therapy of acute necrotizing pancreatitis are high risk factor, but their treatment is not hopeless.