The efficacy of medical and surgical treatment of endometriosis and pelvic pain is a source of questions and controversies. Complete resolution of endometriosis is not yet possible but therapy has essentially three main objectives: 1) to reduce pain; 2) to increase the possibility of pregnancy; 3) to delay recurrence for as long as possible. In case of moderate and severe endometriosis, operative laparoscopy must be considered as first line treatment. The mean pregnancy rate of 50% reported in the literature following surgery provides scientific proof that operative treatment should first be undertaken to give our patients the best chance of conceiving naturally. In case of rectovaginal adenomyotic nodules, surgery must also be considered as first line therapy, medical therapy being relatively inefficacious. Careful preoperative examination is mandatory (transrectal sonography, magnetic resonance imaging, bowel barium enema or intravenous pyelography) to evaluate potentially severe complications of the disease.