An extensive investigation was carried out for the characterisation of the air particulate composition in Florence. The aim was to determine the aerosol elemental concentrations, as well as to identify pollution sources. For our investigation, the external Particle-Induced X-Ray Emission-Particle-Induced gamma-Ray Emission beam facility of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Van de Graaff accelerator at the Physics Department of the Florence University was used. We report the results of the analysis of a long temporal series (approximately 1 yr) of PM10 particulate samples, collected on Millipore filters on a daily basis in three different sites (characterised by different urban settings). Daily concentrations of more than 20 elements were detected. The long sampling period (approximately 1 yr) allowed a comparison with the air quality recommended values and the identification of seasonal variations. Four main sources (traffic, oil-combustion, soil-dust, and wind transported sea-salt) were extracted with the help of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). An absolute PCA showed traffic to be the major source both in the high traffic site and in the urban background site.