Human CD8+ FOXP3+ T suppressor cells (TS) were previously shown to induce the expression of the inhibitory receptors, Immunoglobulin-like transcript (ILT) 3 and ILT4 on dendritic and endothelial cells, rendering them tolerogenic to allogeneic T cells. We have demonstrated the importance of CD8+ TS in a rat model of heart allo-transplantation. Tolerance was induced in ACI recipients by multiple transfusions of UVB-irradiated blood from Lewis heart donors. CD8+ T cells from tolerant ACI rats expressed FOXP3, transferred tolerance to naive secondary hosts and induced the upregulation of the inhibitory receptor, paired immunoglobulin-like receptor (PIR)-B, an ILT4 orthologue, in Lewis dendritic cells (DC) and heart endothelial cells (EC). When long-term surviving Lewis heart allografts with PIR-B+ EC were retransplanted from a primary to a secondary ACI recipient they did not elicit rejection. This study focuses attention on the need to develop agents that act directly on graft EC in order to achieve tolerance.