We previously reported cerebellar and putaminal transverse relaxation time (T2) differences in children with ADHD and in adults with childhood trauma. As brain T2 can be altered by deoxyhemoglobin concentration ([dHb]) and because [dHb] is proportional to regional cerebral blood volume (rCBV), at steady state we attributed those differences to rCBV changes. Studies in other species have established a correlation between T2 and rCBV; however this has yet to be demonstrated in human brain. Echo planar imaging (EPI) T2 relaxometry and dynamic susceptibility-contrast (DSC) MRI were used to measure T2 and rCBV in 11 healthy adults. Significant T2-rCBV correlations were observed in both cerebellar vermis and putamen (r = 0.759,p = 0.007;r = 0.782,p = 0.004, respectively). These correlations predict 9 +/- 3% and 10 +/- 3% rCBV changes, respectively, for each 1-msec change in T2. Consequently, brain T2 measurements may be useful for estimating steady-state rCBV.