This survey investigates fallopian canal dehiscences in order to assess the risk of encountering an unprotected facial nerve during routine ear surgery. In a prospective non-randomized study, the intraoperative appearance of the facial canal in 357 routine ear operations was compared with 300 temporal bone specimens from 150 autopsies. Intraoperatively, a dehiscence was detected in 6.4% (23/357) of the operations, most frequently at the oval niche region (16/23 cases). The incidence increased with the number of operations (P<0.0002). Cholesteatoma surgery had the highest relative risk (RR 4.6) of exposing an unprotected facial nerve. Postoperatively, no persistent facial paralysis was observed. In four of five cases with a transient facial palsy due to local anesthetics, a bony dehiscence could be found. The anatomical study revealed fallopian canal dehiscences in 29.3% (44/150) of the autopsies. One-third (15/44) of the individuals affected displayed bilateral findings, thus resulting in 19.7% (59/300) of temporal bones affected. A total of 17/59 bones showed microdehiscences, and most (55/59) were located at the oval niche. The actual prevalence of fallopian canal dehiscences is significantly higher than intraoperative findings suggest. The oval niche is the most affected region. High-resolution computed tomography is of diagnostic value only in selected cases. Facial paralysis following local anesthesia is the most significant clinical sign. Vigilance in acute facial palsy after local anesthetics and in cholesteatoma surgery and adequate intraoperative exposure help to prevent iatrogenic injury of the uncovered nerve. In unclear cases, nerve monitoring can facilitate a safe outcome.