The incidence of multiple primary carcinomas (MPCs) associated with esophageal cancer has increased. The purpose of this study was to analyze clinicopathologic findings for MPC and for only esophageal cancer (OEC). Of 157 patients with MPCs, 60 had synchronous cancer and 97 metachronous cancer. Another 42 patients had antecedent esophageal cancer (AEC), and 55 patients had subsequent esophageal cancer (SEC). We retrospectively analyzed the clincopathologic findings for patients in these categories. The incidence of early-stage carcinoma was higher in patients with MPCs than in those with an OEC. Of patients with MPCs, those with metachronous cancer had a higher rate of early-stage carcinoma than those with synchronous cancer. The 5-year survival rates were not significantly different for MPC and OEC patients. Patients with metachronous cancer had a significantly better prognosis than those with synchronous cancer (p = 0.017); and in the metachronous cancer group the prognosis was significantly better for patients with AEC than for those with SEC (p = 0.0005). Meticulous follow-up after treatment of a first cancer should be required to detect other early-stage carcinomas.