Objectives: From a prospective multicenter registry, we evaluated in three non-academic interventional cardiologic centers (Alsace/France), the coverage and the feasibility of the percutaneous coronary angioplasty (PTCA) in the acute phase of STEMI in the elderly (patients 75-years old and more).
Methods: We studied clinical characteristics and angiographic data of patients older than 75 years, and the PTCA results: the revascularisation rates and the intrahospital events were analysed. These data were compared with those of the younger patients and confronted with the literature data.
Results: Of a total of 1672 patients admitted for a STEMI, 342 (20.45%) were older than 75 years. These patients represented a high-risk group with a high proportion of women (50%), and many co-morbidities (e.g.: hypertension and diabetes mellitus), and three-vessel disease was found more often than in younger patients. Mortality rate was high in this subgroup and always more severe as compared to younger subjects, but remains variable according to the initial clinical profile. The global mortality was 20.47% but fell to 5.41% if we excluded the patients with cardiogenic shock, in Killip III and after resuscitation. PTCA is a coronary reperfusion technique particularly indicated in the management of the elderly presenting a STEMI. It is an effective technique in term of revascularisation, the reperfusion success (exclusively TIMI III flow) was indeed raised in the elderly even though it is lower than in younger patients (93.88 vs 97.18%). It is a quickly accessible technique, cath-lab accessibility provided, allowing a fast reperfusion and reducing hospitalization to a minimum. The management of the elderly presenting a STEMI has to focus on reducing the preadmission delay since this subgroup of patients hesitates to call the emergency (SMUR) when presenting an acute coronary symptomatology. The shorter the delay till admittance, the better the outcome.
Conclusion: PTCA is a technique particularly indicated in the elderly in Alsace because of regional specificities: first of all geographic (proximity of the SMUR for virtually all the population of Alsace), and secondly the medical infrastructure since the strategy of exclusive primary PTCA is granted by numerous interventional cardiologic teams. In Alsace, the proportion of elderly patients (> or = 75 years) is going to increase significantly with a parallel rise of STEMI--"a frightening perspective". We have to take into account this evolution, this reperfusion technique presenting numerous advantages and very few complications.