Purpose: This one group experimentation was designed to develop a program for relieving 'Hwa-Byung' (HB) symptoms and examine its effects on HB symptoms, pain threshold emotions like anger, anxiety and depression.
Method: The program consisted of three components the change of the cognitive thoughts, the formation of a supportive network, and induction of mind-body relaxation. Sixteen middle-aged women with HB were divided into three groups for group dynamics according to the time of the recruitment. Data was collected for nine months at three time points, before, immediately after, and one month later of its application.
Result: There were statistically significant differences in the severity level of state anger, state anxiety, depression, and HB symptoms according to the time interval. The means of state anger and state anxiety were reduced after the intervention, but it was slightly increased one month later. The means of depression and HB symptoms were continuously reduced after the intervention and one month later.
Conclusion: This was the first management program for HB women in Korea. A future study must be done with the research design for methodological strength revision of the program.