Although germline cells can form multipotential embryonic stem (ES)/embryonic germ (EG) cells, these cells can be derived only from embryonic tissues, and such multipotent cells have not been available from neonatal gonads. Here we report the successful establishment of ES-like cells from neonatal mouse testis. These ES-like cells were phenotypically similar to ES/EG cells except in their genomic imprinting pattern. They differentiated into various types of somatic cells in vitro under conditions used to induce the differentiation of ES cells and produced teratomas after inoculation into mice. Furthermore, these ES-like cells formed germline chimeras when injected into blastocysts. Thus, the capacity to form multipotent cells persists in neonatal testis. The ability to derive multipotential stem cells from the neonatal testis has important implications for germ cell biology and opens the possibility of using these cells for biotechnology and medicine.