Nervous system polycomb 1 (NSPc1) shares high homology with vertebrate PcG proteins Mel-18 and Bmi-1. The mRNA of NSPc1 is highly expressed in the developmental nervous system [Mech. Dev. 102 (2001) 219-222]. However, the functional characterization of NSPc1 protein is not clear. In the present study, using Western blotting technique, we aimed to describe the distributions of NSPc1 protein in rat tissues and cell lines. The subcellular localization of NSPc1 was examined in HeLa and SH-SY5Ycell lines, and its transcriptional repression activity was examined in COS-7 cell line. We found that the NSPc1 protein was localized mainly in the nucleus. NSPc1 remarkably repressed the transcription. Most interestingly, both the C-terminal of NSPc1 and two phosphorylation sites in the C-terminal, especially the PKC phosphorylation site at S183, were important in mediating transcription repression. Taken together, results from our study suggest that NSPc1, as a typical PcG family member, has powerful transcriptional repression ability, which may be related to the PKC signaling pathway.