We designed and evaluated a new test for the detection of early glaucoma damage in 133 persons who were classified as normal, suspected of having glaucoma, or having glaucoma. The test stimulates the entire visual field with a flashing white light under dark-adapted conditions. It can be performed easily by a high proportion of subjects and is as reproducible as present psychophysical tests. Glaucomatous eyes were discriminated from normal with a diagnostic power of 0.91 as judged by receiver operating characteristic analysis, and specificity and sensitivity were 91% and 86%, respectively. Glaucoma suspects with an abnormal response to the whole-field scotopic test were more likely to have other signs indicating early optic nerve injury, including a greater proportion of borderline field defects, nerve fiber layer defects, or glaucomatous fellow eyes. Assessment of whole-field scotopic sensitivity may be useful in glaucoma screening.