Objective: To define the prevalence of acquired red cell enzymopathy in leukemia and MDS patients and explore its clinical significance.
Methods: Red cell enzymes (G6PD, 6PGD, PK, ENOL, ADA, PNP,ALD) activities and PK,ADA isoenzymes were assayed by the methods recommended by ICSH and PAGE electrophoresis.
Results: The prevalence rate of G6PD deficiency was 43.1%, and of PK deficiency was 27.8%, in leukemia and MDS patients. The prevalence rates of PK, G6PD and PNP deficiency in MDS patients were 50%, 48% and 39.1%, respectively, while of ADA, ENOL and ALD over production in MDS patients were 69. 6%, 40% and 30. 4%, respectively. PK activity was increased in CML, while the PK isoenzyme pattern was normal. Administration of antitumor antibiotics to AL decreased G6PD and 6PGD activities (P < 0.05). ADA2 was expressed in MNC of AML (M4 and M5) and in RBC of CMML, but not expressed in ALL (P < 0.001).
Conclusion: Determination of enzymes may be used as prognostic parameters in CML,a predictor of antitumor drug resistance in acute leukemia, and a differential parameter between MDS-RA and aplastic anemia and between CML and CMML.