Background: Recent studies evaluated the technique of direct coronary stenting as compared to stenting-after-predilation in selected anatomic and clinical settings. However, the impact of direct stenting in routine interventional practice remains poorly elucidated.
Methods: From April 1999 to March 2001, all percutaneous coronary interventions performed at our Center were prospectively analyzed to determine the frequency of direct stenting, the success rate and the variables associated with its utilization.
Results: 1151 lesions were treated in 835 procedures. Stenting was attempted in 835/1151 lesions (72.5%), 309 (37%) with direct stenting and 526 (63%) with stenting-after-predilation. Direct stenting was successful in 300/309 (97%) and stenting-after-predilation in 515/526 (98%). The success rate of direct stenting was significantly lower in small vessels (< or = 2.75 mm) (89.2 vs 98.5%, p = 0.005). Patients treated with direct stenting were younger (63 +/- 11 vs 65 +/- 11 years, p = 0.024). Direct stenting was preferentially used in saphenous vein grafts and at the ostium of the left anterior descending coronary artery, while it was avoided in bifurcation lesions and with increasing calcium burden. Operators with a caseload > 140 interventions per year were significantly more likely to perform direct stenting than less experienced operators (p = 0.017). In direct stenting, the total contrast medium and the fluoroscopy and procedural times were all significantly (p < 0.0001) lower than those observed in case of stenting-after-predilation.
Conclusions: Direct coronary stenting is currently performed in about one third of the overall caseload. Variables pertaining to the operator's experience, lesion morphology and length, vessel size, and the clinical presentation are all important factors determining the selection of candidates suitable for direct stenting.