The regulation of filopodial dynamics by neurotrophins and other guidance cues plays an integral role in growth cone pathfinding. Filopodia are F-actin-based structures that explore the local environment, generate forces and play a role in growth cone translocation. Here, we review recent research showing that the actin-depolymerizing factor (ADF)/cofilin family of proteins mediates changes in the length and number of growth cone filopodia in response to brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Although inhibition of myosin contractility also causes filopodial elongation, the elongation in response to BDNF does not occur through a myosin-dependent pathway. Active ADF/cofilin increases the rate of cycling between the monomer and polymer pools and is critical for the BDNF-induced changes. Thus, we discuss potential mechanisms by which ADF/cofilin may affect filopodial initiation and length change via its effects on F-actin dynamics in light of past research on actin and myosin function in growth cones.