This paper sets the stage for a series of reviews dealing with the problems associated with the reconstruction and analysis of in vivo skeletal system kinematics using optoelectronic stereophotogrammetric data. Instantaneous bone position and orientation and joint kinematic variable estimations are addressed in the framework of rigid body mechanics. The conceptual background to these exercises is discussed. Focus is placed on the experimental and analytical problem of merging the information relative to movement and that relative to the morphology of the anatomical body parts of interest. The various global and local frames that may be used in this context are defined. Common anatomical and mathematical conventions that can be used to describe joint kinematics are illustrated in a comparative fashion. The authors believe that an effort to systematize the different theoretical and experimental approaches to the problems involved and related nomenclatures, as currently reported in the literature, is needed to facilitate data and knowledge sharing, and to provide renewed momentum for the advancement of human movement analysis.