Background: CD44s (standard isoform) is a cell adhesion molecule belonging to the family of the hyaluronan-binding proteins. The CD44 family has been found to be overexpressed in epithelial tumors, where they are generally in relationship with tumor growth and metastasic properties. The aim of this work was to evaluate the membranous CD44s content in colorectal cancer and in healthy surrounding mucosa, its possible relationship with clinicopathological parameters, and its potential prognostic significance.
Materials and methods: Membranous CD44s levels were measured by an immunoenzymatic assay in tumors and surrounding mucosa samples from 72 patients with resectable colorectal carcinomas. The patients were followed for a mean time period of 30 months.
Results: There was a wide variability of CD44s levels in tumor-surrounding mucosal samples (26.6-727 ng/mg protein) as well as in tumors (28.5-381 ng/mg protein). Tumor samples showed significantly higher CD44s levels (median: 99.1 ng/mg protein) than surrounding mucosal samples (81 ng/mg protein) (p=0.03). In the same way, CD44s levels in tumors as well as in surrounding mucosal samples were significantly higher in high S-phase tumors than in low S-phase tumors (p=0.001 for both). There was no significant relationship between tumor CD44s levels and patient's outcome. However, high levels of the glycoprotein in nonneoplastic surrounding mucosa were significantly (p=0.018) associated with a poor overall patient survival.
Conclusion: CD44s may play a role in the tumorogenesis of colorectal carcinomas. In addition, CD44s levels in tumor-surrounding mucosa may provide, in concert with some clinicopathological parameters, important information about prognostic evaluation of patients with resectable colorectal carcinomas.