Thirty four healthy young volunteers (22 men, 12 women; age 25.7 +/- 5.8 years; BMI 20.8 +/- 2.3 kg/m2) participated in a randomized controlled cross-over trial on the effect of consuming one boiled egg every day for 8 wk on the serum lipid profile. The only significant change after 8 wk of egg consumption was an elevation of the total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol ratio. However, scrutiny of individual responses revealed that twelve of the subjects (10 men, 2 women) had a greater than 15% rise in the LDL cholesterol level after 8 wk of egg consumption. These subjects, considered hyperresponders, showed significant increases (P < 0.025) at both 4 wk and 8 wk after egg consumption in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels, and at 8 wk in total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol ratio. The remaining 22 hyporesponders showed no change in any of the variables measured at 4 wk or 8 wk after egg consumption. In view of the high nutritional value of eggs, a blanket ban on eggs is not justified. However, since up to one-third of the population may be hyperresponders, knowing the response of an individual is important before making the egg a regular item of the diet.