Background: The authors report on the conception and first clinical application of a donut-shaped high-dose configuration for proton therapy (PT). This approach allows one to intensify target volume dose coverage for targets encompassing a critical, dose-limiting structure--like here, the cauda equina--, whilst delivering minimal dose to other healthy structures surrounding the target, thereby reducing the integral dose.
Methods and results: Intensity-modulated PT methods (IMPT) for spot scanning were applied to create and deliver a donut-shaped high-dose configuration with protons, allowing treating > 75% of the target with at least 95% of the prescribed dose of 72.8 CGE, whilst restricting dose to the cauda equina to 60-65 CGE. Integral dose was lower by a factor of 3.3 as compared to intensity-modulated radiotherapy with photons (IMXT).
Conclusion: IMPT and spot scanning technology allow a potentially clinically useful approach which is also applicable to spare other critical structures passing through a target volume, including spinal cord, optic nerves, chiasm, brain stem, or urethra.