We have improved Rhesus monkey marrow cell growth in semisolid media by means of substituting supplemented calf serum for fetal bovine serum. The cloning efficiency of light-density marrow cells separated on 60% Percoll was 126 (+/- 54)/10(5) (n = 12, +/- SD), and for light-density peripheral blood cells 60 (+/- 46)/10(6) (n = 11). Thirty-five percent of the colonies were multilineage, whereas the remainder were unilineage colonies composed of erythrocytes, megakaryocytes, and neutrophilic or monocytic granulocytes. Unilineage megakaryocyte colonies comprised 12% of the total marrow progenitor cells. The [3H]TdR suicide index of marrow progenitor cells was 47% +/- 9% (n = 12). This progenitor cell assay should prove useful in preclinical studies of the effect of recombinant hematopoietic growth factors on the number and cycling status of Rhesus hematopoietic progenitor cells.