Multipolar electrocoagulation is an effective therapy for patients with endoscopic evidence of active upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage or a non-bleeding visible vessel in an ulcer crater. The use of this therapy for endoscopic sphincterotomy-induced hemorrhage has not been reported previously. This prospective study attempted to assess the efficacy of multipolar electrocoagulation in patients with endoscopic sphincterotomy-induced hemorrhage not responding to conservative and/or other endoscopic measures. Nine patients with moderate or severe bleeding following endoscopic sphincterotomy (one, immediate; eight, delayed 12 to 144 hours) were treated by multipolar electrocoagulation. Prior to endoscopic therapy with multipolar electrocoagulation, the mean hematocrit drop was 14.5% and the mean number of packed red blood cells transfused was 4.8 units. Complete hemostasis was achieved in eight (89%) patients. Re-bleeding occurred in two (25%) and was controlled by a second course of multipolar electrocoagulation in one in whom it was attempted. There were no complications or deaths from multipolar electrocoagulation and surgical therapy was avoided in all nine patients. We recommend proceeding with multipolar electrocoagulation (if possible) after injection therapy and/or balloon tamponade fail to control the hemorrhage and before considering angiographic or surgical intervention.