Background: Different opioids for use in the control of moderate to severe cancer pain have become widely available. More recently, sophisticated formulations such as transdermal patches have been developed. One example, transdermal fentanyl (TF), has characteristic pharmacokinetics and along with the other opioids, equivalency conversions are often made when changing from or to other opioids.
Aim of study: To explore the knowledge of general practitioners (GPs), hospital consultants and oncologists about the pharmacology and use of TF in the management of moderate/severe cancer pain.
Method: During 2001 and 2002 a questionnaire survey was carried out. A randomized selection of GPs, hospital consultants and oncologists (n=1167) from the UK and Ireland were sent a questionnaire and 576 (49%) were returned and evaluated.
Results: The results show doctors who had previously prescribed TF are more confident and knowledgeable about the indications and pharmacology of TF than doctors who had never prescribed TF. Overall knowledge and confidence in using TF was poor.