Auditory rehabilitation depends of the cause and the severity of the hearing loss (or deafness). Hearing losses dues to middle ear pathologies can beneficiate of medical or surgical treatments, by ossicular prostheses, if it is necessary to restore the function of the ossicles chain. In the sensorineural hearing losses, with inner ear pathology, the use of auditory aid is immediately considered. In the cases for which they are insufficient because of severity of the hearing loss or not suitable because of local non-tolerance, it is possible to use middle ear implant or cochlear implant. The indications of the auditory brainstern implants remain at this day limited to the total bilateral hearing losses due to a complete destruction of cochleae and auditory nerves. These therapeutic orientations are selected after a multidisciplinary evaluation of the deaf person, evaluation that allows the characterization of the hearing loss and its repercussion. In all the cases, the restoration of a bilateral hearing has to be done if possible, making an improvement of the speech comprehension, mainly in the noisy situations, as well as the localization of the sound sources.