Thirteen (control) cows were injected daily with saline and 22 with bST (12 at 10.3 mg/d and 10 at 20.6 mg/d) through wk 5 to 42 of lactation. Nine of the treated cows had received bST in the previous lactation, and 7 cows received bST in the previous two lactations. All control cows and 6 treated cows had not previously received bST. Treatment with bST caused substantial increases in milk production, feed intake, and efficiency of feed conversion in the current lactation, which is consistent with previous trials. Increases in feed intake were established fully within 9 wk of starting bST administration, somewhat earlier than usually reported. Treatment with bST in one or two previous lactations caused a statistically significant 14% reduction in production and 8% reduction in efficiency of feed conversion during the first 9 wk of bST treatment in the current lactation; reductions observed later in lactation were not statistically significant. Differences for other traits were not statistically significant. In combination with earlier trials, these results suggest that, although bST has beneficial effects on production and efficiency traits, these benefits may be considerably lower in the second and subsequent lactations of bST use. However, carry-over effects on cows not receiving bST in the current lactation were not explored in this trial.