With the introduction of reproducible serological tests it was hoped that relapses in leprosy patients, after discontinuing treatment, could be detected before damaging reactions occurred and before the patients became infectious. The possible value of an ELISA using a semisynthetic analogue of phenolic glycolipid-I to detect antibodies to this antigen in order to predict a relapse in multibacillary patients was investigated. In contrast to that reported for paucibacillary patients, this test was useful to detect early relapses in multibacillary patients. In 3 out of 4 multibacillary patients who relapsed, the ELISA-values were increased. The decreased ELISA-values in the one relapsed patient could be attributed to the corticosteroid therapy. In the multibacillary patients who did not relapse after RFT, the ELISA-values were consistently low or decreased. In only one patient did the ELISA-values increase following his release from treatment and this patient was clinically suspected of developing a relapse.