Municipal health services (MHSs) carry out the control and prevention of communicable diseases, under the authority of the municipal councils. Mayors have the authority to enforce measures aimed at individuals, such as isolation and quarantine. The mandatory notification of infectious diseases by physicians, as required by the Infectious Diseases Act, is an essential part of infectious disease control. By collecting these notifications, MHSs obtain a much better picture than the individual physician of the mutual relationships between the reported cases. MHSs monitor current regional developments, while the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) does this for the entire country and elsewhere in the world. By means of electronic message service, the information can be disseminated immediately, if necessary, to health professionals everywhere in The Netherlands. In case of national threats or epidemics, the National Coordination of Infectious Disease Control (LCI) can request expert advice from the Outbreak Management Team and can advise the Minister of Public Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) as to the best control measures. The Minister is chairman of a board of administrators, defines the policy and bears the final responsibility. The Ministry of VWS creates the necessary conditions. The Minister of VWS has noted structural errors in the organisation of the prevention of infectious diseases and will implement an improved organisational structure in the beginning of 2005. The assignments of the new centre are not only research and advising, but also the overall management of the prevention.