The authors describe a clinical case of cutaneous candidiasis in a dog with dermatological lesions, characterized by persistent alopecia, crusts, ulcers and scales. Predisposing factors such as the use of corticosteroids, the concomitan presence of an autoimmune disease (pemphigus foliaceus) and an infection of ehrlichiosis caused by Ehrlichia canis were observed. Histopathological findings included signs of orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis, moderate follicular keratosis and light epidermic acanthosis. The reactive process included an infiltrative superficial dermatitis and a mural folliculitis with prevalent participation of macrophages and lymphocytes. The application of PCR-Restriction Enzyme Analysis (REA) method on cutaneous specimens in veterinary medicine is an extremely interesting diagnostic tool. Its use, together with other techniques, such as mycologic, cytologic and histological examinations, allowed us to identify Candida albicans as aetiological agent in this particular case.