Purpose: The efficacy of intraaortic balloon counterpulsation (IABP) during arrhythmic episodes is questionable. A novel algorithm for intrabeat prediction of the dicrotic notch was used for real time IABP inflation timing control.
Description: A windkessel model algorithm was used to calculate real-time aortic flow from aortic pressure. The dicrotic notch was predicted using a percentage of calculated peak flow. Automatic inflation timing was set at intrabeat predicted dicrotic notch and was combined with automatic IAB deflation.
Evaluation: Prophylactic IABP was applied in 27 patients with low ejection fraction (< 35%) undergoing cardiac surgery. Analysis of IABP at a 1:4 ratio revealed that IAB inflation occurred at a mean of 0.6 +/- 5 ms from the dicrotic notch. In all patients accurate automatic timing at a 1:1 assist ratio was performed. Seventeen patients had episodes of severe arrhythmia, the novel IABP inflation algorithm accurately assisted 318 of 320 arrhythmic beats at a 1:1 ratio.
Conclusions: The novel real-time intrabeat IABP inflation timing algorithm performed accurately in all patients during both regular rhythms and severe arrhythmia, allowing fully automatic intrabeat IABP timing.