Objectives: To establish the rate of Helicobacter pylori reinfection in children from an H. pylori high prevalence area, possible clinical features predictive of reinfection and the usefulness of re-treatment.
Methods: 65 consecutive children attending the authors' department between 1998 and 2000 who had proven successful H. pylori eradication were enrolled; 52 took part. Patients and family members were invited to undergo C-urea breath testing and to complete a simple questionnaire regarding symptoms and socioeconomic status. Patients with H. pylori reinfection were offered treatment; eradication was assessed by C-urea breath test 8 weeks after completion of treatment.
Results: Of 52 children, 15 (28.8%) were H. pylori positive. Variables predictive of reinfection were age at primary infection and presence of an infected sibling. Although reinfected children were more frequently symptomatic than non-reinfected patients, no specific symptom was associated with reinfection. Of the nine re-treated patients who returned 8 weeks after completing therapy, the bacterium was eradicated in five (56%).
Conclusions: The 12.8% per year reinfection rate in childhood at 2 years that we observed should prompt a re-evaluation of H. pylori status even after a successful eradication. Living in an H. pylori high prevalence area increases the annual risk of reinfection by approximately fourfold over the annual risk in H. pylori low prevalence areas.