Our opinions on contemporary strategies for the oesophageal carcinoma treatment, based on our oesophageal resections results, conducted in last five years, are presented in this study.
Results: From 2000 to 2004/VIII, 86 resections of the oesophagus were conducted. None of the patients exited. 18 serious complications were recorded (21%).
Methodology: Surgical treatment procedures of the oesophageal carcinoma have been significantly influenced by miniinvasive techniques. Also our team employed laparoscopy as well as thoracoscopy. This technique appears to have a positive effect on both the immediate postoperative results and the long-term results, as it makes any increase in the procedure's radicality possible, mainly at the second level. The authors discuss the procedure's radicality degree as well as its limitations
Conclusion: Although the oesophageal carcinoma treatment results have definitely improved, especially when lethality rates and morbidity rates are concerned, the long-term results have remained unsatisfactory, though the surgical treatment is combined with the oncological treatment (neoadjuvant, adjuvant). The radicality of the procedure itself is unlikely to have much influence on the above long-term results.