Described in the paper are comparative descriptions of the efficiency of epibulbar and retrobulbar anesthesia made through evaluating the sensation of pain experienced by patients in cataract phacoemulsification and IOL implantation. The patients (1046 subjects, aged 28 to 89) were shared between 2 groups; they received an identical premedication by midazolam, peroral administration, 3.75 mg in 1 h before surgery. Epibulbar anesthesia with 1% proximetacaine hydrochloride, administered via instillator, was used in Group 1 (524 patients). Analgesia with 2% lidocaine hydrochloride solution (injections, 1:1) was made in Group 2 (522 patients). The subjective pain sensations experienced by patients during subsequent surgical stages were evaluated by an international 6-point scale. The pain sensations were found to vary from 0 to 4 points (mean point value--2.25) in Group 1. The most severe pain was experienced by the patients during the introduction of the phacoemulsificator tip into the anterior chamber of the eye (mean pain value--1.75 points) as well as during IOL implantation (mean pain value--1.25). The instillator-based analgesia does not normally provoke any complications and is well tolerated by patients; it can be recommended for cataract phacoemulsification.