The adult T-cells lymphoma-leukemia is a serious complication by the HTLV-1 infection. It is a rarely described diseases in Africa, in spite of the frequency of the infection by this virus. We report two clinical observations of lymphomatous forms. The first observation concerned a 43 year old Senegalese woman, admitted for a deep alteration of her general status and peripheral polyadenopathies. The adenopathy biopsy set up the diagnosis of pleiomorph T lymphoma with great and medium cells. The HTLV-1 serology was positive. She had benefited of six polychemotherapy cures (cyclophosphamide, farmarubicine, oncovin, prednisone) within which she died in a cachectic presentation. The second observation concerned a 44 year old Senegalese man, admitted for peripheral polyadenopathies, ulcerated lesions of sole of the foot, and deep alteration of the general status. He presented a moderate hypercalcemia by 117 mg/l. The histological examination of a ganglionar biopsy concluded to a diffuse T lymphoma with great cells. The HTLV-1 serology was positive. The cutaneous lesions were due to a phaeohyphomycosis of Exophiala jeanselmei. The symptomatic therapeutic measures had been applied and he died within four weeks in a septicemic clinical manifestation. The adult T-cells lymphoma leukemia due to the HTLV-1 ought to be researched before any lymphomatous and leucemic manifestation by T-cells through a serological research. The prognostic stays very bad.