In this study the flow-cytometric crossmatch results were compared between fresh cells and cells processed by various cryopreservation and storage methods. Platelets from healthy donors were incubated with 12 sera containing platelet reactive antibodies as well as with 62 control sera from blood donors. Direct comparisons were made between fresh platelets and platelets after freezing at -28 degrees C, -40 degrees C and -80 degrees C and in liquid nitrogen, using 6% DMSO as cryoprotectant. In addition, the effects of using controlled-rate freezing were evaluated. Finally we evaluated the application of the cryoprotectant ThromboSol. The best results were obtained after cryopreservation of the platelets with ThromboSol at -80 degrees C with controlled cooling rates. Using ThromboSol cryopreserved platelets, the sensitivity for the detection of incompatible platelets was 100% and the specificity was 97.1%, using the previous results obtained with flow-cytometry, MAIPA and LCT as a reference.
Conclusion: Platelets can be frozen using ThromboSol as the cryoprotectant, with controlled rate freezing and storage at -80 degrees C for the screening of platelet antibodies and for flow-cytometric crossmatch procedures. This system yields a reproducible and logistically simple method for platelet crossmatching that yields results superior to fresh cells and can be easily incorporated into standard clinical laboratory practices.