Ag in the extracellular fluids can be internalized, processed, and presented in association with class I MHC molecules on specialized APC in normal spleen. We examine the fate of these APC after they present Ag to a CTL. When splenocytes present exogenous OVA to CTL, their ability to subsequently present native Ag in association with both class I and class II molecules is inhibited. CTL do not inhibit the ability of splenocytes to present processing independent peptides with class I or class II molecules. Inhibition of Ag presentation is only observed in the presence of the specific Ag recognized by the CTL. This inhibition is MHC-restricted. In the presence of specific Ag, CTL inhibit the ability of APC to present unrelated Ag. However, bystander APC are not affected by activated CTL. Taken together these results indicate that when APC present exogenous Ag to CTL, they are inhibited or killed. The CTL that mediates this activity has a conventional CD4-CD8+ phenotype and utilizes a TCR-alpha beta. The potential significance of these findings and their possible relationship to phenomena associated with Ts cells are discussed.