CEMB's Forensic DNA typing project is directed towards the introduction of DNA typing technique in Pakistan's criminal justice system so as to exonerate an innocent and wrongly accused person and incriminates the culprit. The present study is a part of the project of CEMB to analyze Sindhi and NWFP (North West Frontier Province) populations for five STR (Short Tandem Repeat) loci out of 13 CODIS (Combined DNA Index System) loci. Allelic frequencies and heterozygosity for STR markers D3S1358, D5S818, D7S820, D18S51 and FGA (FIBRA) were determined. Samples from unrelated individuals were amplified by multiplex PCR using the unlabelled primers for these markers followed by denaturing Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE). Statistical analysis was performed to determine the allelic frequencies and was evaluated using the Chi Square Test.