Accurate preoperative staging of rectal cancer is very important for both prognosis and the choice of surgical approach. The authors report the results obtained by means of endorectal US in the locoregional staging of medium-low rectal neoplasms. The TNM UICC 1988 classification was considered as reference. US findings were compared with histologic results. Thirty-seven patients with rectal cancer were studied with endorectal US; they had been selected on the basis of rectal examination findings, of combined endoscopy and biopsy, and barium enema results. US was performed only when the lesion was confined within 13 cm from the anal edge. US and histologic findings were compared in 32 of 37 patients; in 2 cases surgery could not be performed, and 3 patients could not undergo US due to the presence of a tight rectal stenosis. Overall US sensitivity was 87.5%. T1 (2 cases) and T4 (2 cases) staging was always correct; 2 of 16 patients were understaged as T2 (T3), while 2 of 12 were overstaged as T3 (T2). In conclusion, endorectal US appears to be an accurate method for the locoregional staging of rectal cancer.