Beginning in 1981, 28 patients with advanced seminoma were treated with combination chemotherapy followed by irradiation to evaluate the possibility of improved survival using both modalities. The treatment protocol consisted of two courses of vincristine, actinomycin-D, and cyclophosphamide followed by reassessment. Those initially presenting with Stage B3 disease who achieved a complete response to two cycles of chemotherapy then underwent irradiation. All others were given a third course of chemotherapy before undergoing irradiation. The pre-radiation portion of this protocol produced a complete response rate of only 25 percent, substantially less than other, more recent, protocols. Radiation therapy produced a complete response in 69 percent of those who did not achieve a complete response from chemotherapy, increasing the complete response rate from 25 percent to 64 percent. Given this response rate to radiation therapy and the difficulty of dissection and associated morbidity with the surgical excision of postchemotherapy residual masses, the best option at this time may be observation with salvage chemotherapy and/or radiation reserved for those with disease progression.