Background: Many studies have found high levels of compulsory admission to psychiatric hospital in the UK among African-Caribbean and Black African patients with a psychotic illness.
Aims: To establish whether African-Caribbean and Black African ethnicity is associated with compulsory admission in an epidemiological sample of patients with a first episode of psychosis drawn from two UK centres.
Method: All patients with a first episode of psychosis who made contact with psychiatric services over a 2-year period and were living in defined areas were included in the (AESOP) study. For this analysis we included all White British, other White, African-Caribbean and Black African patients from the AESOP sampling frame. Clinical, socio-demographic and pathways to care data were collected from patients, relatives and case notes.
Results: African-Caribbean patients were significantly more likely to be compulsorily admitted than White British patients, as were Black African patients. African-Caribbean men were the most likely to be compulsorily admitted.
Conclusions: These findings suggest that factors are operating at or prior to first presentation to increase the risk of compulsory admission among African-Caribbean and Black African patients.