Purpose: To investigate the safety and efficacy of a novel angled-bristled toothbrush in comparison with three established brushes.
Methods: The Oral-B CrossAction Vitalizer toothbrush was compared with two manual toothbrushes, the Oral-B CrossAction and Oral-B Advantage, and the battery-operated Crest SpinBrush Pro brush in three independent single-use, examiner-blind, crossover studies. In each study, over 50 healthy subjects from a normal population brushed with their randomly assigned toothbrush for 1 minute without instruction. Subjects returned after a 1-week washout period and brushed with the alternate toothbrush. At each visit, oral hard and soft tissues and plaque were examined before and after brushing. Plaque was evaluated using the Rustogi Modified Navy Plaque Index.
Results: Each tested toothbrush significantly (P=0.0001) reduced plaque levels after a single brushing. However, in all three studies, the CrossAction Vitalizer was significantly (P=0.0001) more effective than the comparator brushes in plaque removal from the whole mouth, the gingival margin and approximal surfaces. All toothbrushes were found to be safe with no evidence of oral hard or soft tissue trauma.