The project of the study was to find out if the childhood immunization rate depends on the social economical status (SES) of the families. The analyzed data were obtained in a population based study performed in 2002 in the town Bytom. Data set included to the health questionnaire provided by families of 13998 children aged from 6-17 years (68% of eligible population. Almost all children (98.5%) attended obligatory vaccination in early childhood. Non-immunization rate (NIR) was associated with self reported SES ("poor": 2.7% NIR, "good": 0.7% NIR; p < 0.0001). Other correlates included family income (p < 0.0001), maternal education (p < 0.0001), and family size (p < 0.0001). The multivariate logistic analysis confirms the effect of SES variables on the childhood immunization rate.