Problem: Prophylactic treatment and follow-up after exposure to HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C outside hospital needs to be improved.
Background and setting: Until January 2000, people in Amsterdam could report exposure outside hospital to either a hospital or the municipal health service. If they reported to the municipal health service, they were then referred to hospitals for HIV prophylaxis, whereas the municipal health service handled treatment and follow-up related to hepatitis B and hepatitis C and traced sources. For cases reported to a hospital, hospital staff often did not trace HIV sources or follow up patients for hepatitis B and hepatitis C.
Key measures for improvement: Providing adequate treatment for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C after exposure for all reported exposures outside hospital.
Strategies for change: On 1 January 2000, a new protocol was introduced in which three Amsterdam hospitals and the municipal health service collaborated in the treatment and follow-up of exposures outside hospital. Both municipal health service and hospitals can decide whether HIV prophylaxis is necessary and prescribe accordingly. All people exposed in the community who report to hospitals are subsequently referred to the municipal health service for further treatment and follow-up.
Effects of change: The protocol is effective in that most people comply with treatment and follow-up. When indicated, HIV prophylaxis is started soon after exposure. In nearly two thirds of cases the municipal health service traced and tested the source.
Lessons learnt: Provision of treatment and follow-up in one place enables treatment, tracing and testing sources, and follow-up, including counselling and registration of all reported exposures in Amsterdam, which allows for swift identification of emerging epidemiological trends. Since May 2004 all Amsterdam hospitals have participated in the protocol.