Objective: To determine the prevalence of inflammation of the skin around the magnet of cochlear implants.
Method: A postal survey of 232 children implanted at The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, detailing the timing and severity of skin inflammation near the magnet.
Results: Sixty-three children (27%) had at least one episode of skin erythema at the magnet site. In most cases, this resolved after reducing magnet field strength. Nine children stopped wearing the device briefly, and five were treated with antibiotics. Skin ulceration occurred in two cases. No surgical treatment was required. Reactions tended to occur in younger children (2.8 vs 4.3 years; p = .002, Mann-Whitney rank sum test).
Conclusions: Skin inflammation commonly occurs in children between magnets of the transmitter and receiver coils of a cochlear implant. If inflammation fails to resolve after loosening the magnet, use of the implant should be discontinued temporarily. Antibiotics should be prescribed for cellulitis to prevent an implant-threatening infection.