Objective: To discuss the effect and complication of spinal operation combined with vertebroplasty in treating for multiple spinal neoplasm.
Methods: During the last two years, 20 patients (13 male and 7 female) with multiple spinal neoplasm including metastases, multiple myeloma and lymphoma were treated by operation combined with vertebroplasty, 2 vertebral body segments were involved in 5 cases, 3 to 4 vertebral body segments were involved in 11 cases, more than 5 segments were involved in other 4 cases. Neurological function deficit and severe pain were seen in all the cases. Patients were evaluated by Tomita prognostic scoring system before the operation; The average point was 7.2 (from 3 to 9 points).
Results: The pain relief rate was 85% (17/20), and neurological recovery was found in 10 out of 12 patients who had neurological deficit. According to the system of Frankel and neurological function, 1 patient recovered from grade B to grade C after the operation, and there was no change in another patients who was evaluated as grade A before the operation. The main complication of vertebroplasty was leakage of PMMA. Six patients had leakage of PMMA into adjacent structures in this series.
Conclusions: Better results of pain relief and neurological function recovery and living quality can be achieved by surgical palliation of operation combined with vertebroplasty for multiple spinal neoplasm.