Objective: We tested for synergy between pravastatin and D-4F by administering oral doses of each in combination that were predetermined to be ineffective when given as single agents.
Methods and results: The combination significantly increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol levels, apolipoprotein (apo)A-I levels, paraoxonase activity, rendered HDL antiinflammatory, prevented lesion formation in young (79% reduction in en face lesion area; P<0.0001) and caused regression of established lesions in old apoE null mice (ie, mice receiving the combination for 6 months had lesion areas that were smaller than those before the start of treatment (P=0.019 for en face lesion area; P=0.004 for aortic root sinus lesion area). After 6 months of treatment with the combination, en face lesion area was 38% of that in mice maintained on chow alone; P<0.00004) with a 22% reduction in macrophage content in the remaining lesions (P=0.001), indicating an overall reduction in macrophages of 79%. The combination increased intestinal apoA-I synthesis by 60% (P=0.011). In monkeys, the combination also rendered HDL antiinflammatory.
Conclusions: These results suggest that the combination of a statin and an HDL-based therapy may be a particularly potent treatment strategy.