Purpose: To assess the effectiveness of low power transpupillary thermotherapy (TTT) for choroidal neovascularization (CNV).
Method: We performed TTT on 55 eyes of 55 patients with subretinal CNV between April 2001 and December 2002, and observed them after therapy for more than 6 months. The laser power ranged from 80 to 320 mW when the spot size was 3 mm. We evaluated visual acuity, subretinal fluid (SRF), and CNV size.
Results: Visual acuity improved by 2 lines or more in 16 eyes (29%), was unchanged in 19 eyes (35%), and decreased in 20 eyes (36%). SRF decreased in 30 eyes (54%), was unchanged in 13 eyes (24%), and increased in 12 eyes (22%). CNV diminished in 33 eyes (60%), was unchanged in 10 eyes (18%), and became enlarged in 12 eyes (22%).
Conclusions: Low power TTT can be an effective treatment for subgroups of patients with subfoveal CNV.