In situ hybridization was performed on testicular tissue from adult male Sprague-Dawley rats using cRNA antisense and sense probe of the monkey FSH receptor (FSHR) cDNA to determine the cellular site of synthesis, and possible stage-dependent expression of FSHR mRNA during the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium. Using antisense probe specific binding was first detected in Sertoli cells just prior to sperm release at stage VIII. The strongest specific hybridization signal was found during stages IX and X followed by a decrease of signal intensity in stages XI-XII. No specific binding was found in stages XIII-VII. The sequence of events with the maximum expression of FSHR mRNA in Sertoli cells in stages IX and X, before FSH-binding and FSH-stimulated cAMP production reach maximum values, coincides with a new wave of spermatogenesis and indicates an effect of FSH and spermatogenic cells on the regulation of FSHR mRNA expression.