Complement activation plays an important role in local and remote tissue injury associated with gastrointestinal ischemia-reperfusion (GI/R). The role of the classical and lectin complement pathways in GI/R injury was evaluated using C1q-deficient (C1q KO), MBL-A/C-deficient (MBL-null), complement factor 2- and factor B-deficient (C2/fB KO), and wild-type (WT) mice. Gastrointestinal ischemia (20 min), followed by 3-h reperfusion, induced intestinal and lung injury in C1q KO and WT mice, but not in C2/fB KO mice. Addition of human C2 to C2/fB KO mice significantly restored GI/R injury, demonstrating that GI/R injury is mediated via the lectin and/or classical pathway. Tissue C3 deposition in C1q KO and WT, but not C2/fB KO, mice after GI/R demonstrated that complement was activated in C1q KO mice. GI/R significantly increased serum alanine aminotransferase, gastrointestinal barrier dysfunction, and neutrophil infiltration into the lung and gut in C1q KO and WT, but not C2/fB KO, mice. MBL-null mice displayed little gut injury after GI/R, but lung injury was present. Addition of recombinant human MBL (rhuMBL) to MBL-null mice significantly increased injury compared with MBL-null mice after GI/R and was reversed by anti-MBL mAb treatment. However, MBL-null mice were not protected from secondary lung injury after GI/R. These data demonstrate that C2 and MBL, but not C1q, are necessary for gut injury after GI/R. Lung injury in mice after GI/R is MBL and C1q independent, but C2 dependent, suggesting a potential role for ficolins in this model.