Object: Slow-growing, low-grade temporal lobe tumors are one of the most common causes of epilepsy in children. Although there are numerous consistent features in this patient group, consensus about the management and surgical approach is lacking. In this study the authors review the clinical, pathological, and radiological features as well as outcome data obtained in 29 pediatric patients with temporal lobe tumor-related epilepsy and discuss the surgical treatment strategies.
Methods: In patients who presented with intractable seizures secondary to mass lesions and underwent comprehensive epilepsy workup, the tumor was resected and the diagnosis confirmed by pathological examination. A minimum follow-up period of 16 months was required. Medical records were reviewed for details of seizure type and duration, electrophysiological data, imaging studies, operative notes, pathological examination reports, and follow-up data. The surgical approach was as follows. The lesionectomy with/without cortical resection was performed in all cases of lateral temporal tumors. Lesionectomy was performed with/without cortical resection in cases of basal temporal tumors if the mesial structures were radiologically normal. Mesial temporal tumors were excised, as were the remaining mesial temporal structures in the nondominant hemisphere; however, if the tumor was in the dominant hemisphere, lesionectomy was performed only if the remaining mesial structures were radiologically normal. Twenty-nine patients between 2 and 18 years of age were identified. Most tumors were located in the mesial temporal lobe. All patients underwent resection of the tumor with or without mesial and cortical structures. The most common pathological entity was dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor. Sixty-nine percent of the patients remained seizure free (Engel Class I) and 14% experienced significant improvement (Engel Class II) after surgery. Outcome was better in the patients who underwent gross-total tumor resection.
Conclusions: Mesially located low-grade neoplasms were the most frequently observed mass lesions in children with temporal tumor-related epilepsy in this series. Resection of the tumor with or without amygdalohippocampectomy provides a high rate of seizure-free outcome. It is the author's opinion that temporal lobe tumors should be managed based on the subgroups defined by their anatomical locations. If the tumor is located in or in proximity to eloquent cortex, we recommend functional magnetic resonance imaging and invasive monitoring techniques to map the eloquent cortex and epileptogenic zone, thereby tailoring the resection.