This paper explores the relationship between age, psychosocial status and quality of life in a community based sample (n = 229) of newly-diagnosed breast cancer patients. A casement display methodology is used to examine the influence of demographic and medical variables on the outcome variables of interest (psychosocial status and quality of life) and their relationship to age. Based on the literature, a positive relationship between age and psychosocial status was predicted, but the relationship between age and quality of life was uncertain. For the whole sample, a weakly positive relationship between age and measures of psychosocial status and quality of life was observed. In the exploratory studies using the casement plots, the positive relationship between age and quality of life was most strong and significant in married women and in women who had received segmental mastectomy. Among sub-groups examined according to marital status and type of surgery, a positive relationship between age, psychosocial status and quality of life was observed only in married women who received segmental mastectomy. Additional preliminary observations were made about the relationship of household income and age to the outcome variables being studied. The casement plot methodology permits the simultaneous evaluation of multiple variables as a preliminary step before hypothesis development and should be considered when complex clinical problems are being evaluated.