Levels of glucosinolates in Farsetia aegyptia var. ovalis suspension cultures were monitored after treatment with yeast extract, chitosan, methyl jasmonate, ampicillin, and Phytophthora infestans autoclaved mycelia as elicitors. Glucosinolates were identified, and an estimation of their levels obtained from their hydrolysis products. Yeast extract improved glucotropaeolin (benzyl-glucosinolate) and glucocheirolin [3-(methylsulfonyl)propyl-glucosinolate] accumulation, and production of sec-butyl, isobutylglucosinolate and gluconasturtiin (2-phenylethyl-glucosinolate) was only detected in yeast elicited cultures. Increases were shown in glucotropaeolin levels in cultures elicited using methyljasmonate, and chitosan and methyljasmonate in combination.